Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Love and Hip Hop Era

Having a great deal of females in my life has allowed me to know a little more than I should about them. One of these things is that many women, especially BLACK women, love Love and Hip Hop, Basketball Wives, Bad Girls Club and many other modern day minstrel shows where black women and black people in general support negative stereotypes through television. Although, many people watch these shows to entertain themselves, the danger that these shows present is that these shows are based on REALITY. Some strong minded individuals may watch these shows just for entertainment; however, what about the young and the impressionable folk who mirror anything they see on television? One example of how the media effects us everyday, to a scary degree in Chicago, is how the murder rate is increasing due to a great deal of violent music and studio gangsters. Many rappers don't do half of what they talk about in their songs, but some see the reality in the music and exaggerate it in real situations. Fortunately, I doubt these shows will increase the murder rate but they can have their horrible effects too. Two of the most alarming is the effect it will have of the mindsets of women AND men and allowing stereotypes to thrive because some people can't get their act together on television. While watching a couple episodes of these shows I notice that they make the black woman seem very hostile and lacking self control almost to a point where it seems like there is a script. Looking at the black men is no better because they are massive cheaters and womanizers. Recently, one of the faces on Love and Hip Hop dropped a sex tape all over the internet. Instead of this being seen as a dramatic plea for fame many people are much more excited to see the show.WOW. So not only does this show promote these images but now anyone of any age can go online and check out this video. What the hell are we allowing? I am not a conspiracy theorist and I do not think these shows are a plan to destroy us, but I do believe some things have to be censored and the focus of these shows need to not be so negative. These shows are promoting things we do not need to see in 2014 and making people so superficial and......I would just like to see more positive images on television and hopefully some of you will support these images. 
-Jeremiah the Messiah (p.s click this link http://yourjobpay.com/?task=43861 )

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